BariAnalytics helps administrators manage workflow while helping practitioners get instant access to their patients' most updated vital information. We get you started in minutes and you can customize every module on the platform and make it as simple or as detailed as you like.
Bariatric-specific designed EMR
Extensive medical weight loss clinic-specific predefined templates allows you to collect comprehensive patient registration, health history and vital information, while the custom feature allows you to create fields or templates unique to the data gathering requirements of your practice. Specific fields in the health history templates have been developed based on best practices by leading medical weight loss clinics.
Workflow-specific program management
Set up programs and define the various visits and tasks. This helps reduce errors and improve compliance of patient care activities and thus overall program outcomes. It's simple to customize for your own clinic and intuitive integration allows simple shortcuts to patient charts.
Fully customizable reports
Analyze data in a way that helps you reduce costs and enhance your bottom line. Our customized reports engine provides the ability to analyze any data you want and drill down and filter the way you need to.